Are You Caught Up In A Lie On Your Fertility Journey?

Is A Lie Robbing You Of Your Joy and Confidence on Your Fertility Journey?

Whether we realize it or not, sometimes we can get caught up in a series of self defeating “lies,” as we move through our fertility journey.

These buggers set us up for self-sabotage and a host of unreasonable expectations (for ourselves) as we move through one of the biggest challenges we may face in our lives.

This week, we will be discussing one of the nastiest lies that, unchecked, can leave us feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and stuck-stuck-stuck!

Chances are, you may have told yourself this lie on an occasion…or two.

I told myself this lie for years, and I can tell you that it came at a very high price. It was a big stumbling block to my happiness. It delayed my progress in finding my NO MATTER WHAT. It left me feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.

When I released the grip this lie had on my life, the way I lived and felt about my fertility journey changed dramatically.

Today, November 10, 2015 on the Love Your Journey Podcast we will:

  • Drag this lie out into the open,
  • Talk about exactly how it can rob you of your joy and confidence,
  • Discuss first steps to release the grip it may have on your life (and journey),
  • And so much more!

Tuning into the show is easy-peasey! Just click on the audio player below and listen on demand.

Feel free to leave a comment below!

With Love + Respect,


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Rosanne offers a variety of programs to help you on your fertility journey — from Self-study, to Live, to Private Coaching.