When I was thinking about how I could be of service to you this week, I kept coming back to something so O.G. (original gangster), I had to shake my head.
It is so simple.
And, it saved my butt on more than one occasion.
The guiding principle is this: you deserve to be heard on this journey.
But there’s a twist.
Hands down the person that MOST needs to hear you…is YOU.
Sometimes the things in our hearts and minds just aren’t ready for prime time.
They may be never be.
During some of the darkest points in my journey I would have rather had a tarantula caught in my hair than say out loud how desperate, scared, and insecure I felt.
The shame and uncertainty of what was going on in my life was just too much for the Type-A, control-freak, perfectionist part of me that was running the show.
So I hid the truth.
Most tragically from myself.
It’s where I was at the time. Maybe it’s where you are today.
That’s cool. Honor where you are.
AND then, give yourself a chance to hear it.
An easy place to start: your journal.
If you don’t have one, get one.
Go old school analog: paper and a writing instrument.
Geek out. Get one that makes you giddy. Get one with a unicorn and a lock.
If you have one, dust it off.
Say your peace. Process. Hear your truth.
There will be a time and place for others to hear it…if you choose.
Just know that the healing starts with you…and some paper.
Want my help? I’m here.
Lots of love,
P.S. Here’s my journal…yes, I practice what I preach.
Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…
Here’s a badass journal prompt that will empower you to give that 20 ton weight on your chest the old heave-ho:
“The thing I am most afraid to say out loud right now is…”
Notice what comes up for you.
Even if you have to write it in teeny, tiny letters.
Go as far as you can go with this. Take a rest. Then revisit if it feels right.
The awesome thing about awareness is that it is our key to freedom.
Stretch yourself. Remember, it’s about progress, NOT perfection.
Want extra accountability? Leave a comment and tell me how it’s going.
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