What if 2019 could be the most amazing year on your fertility journey?
Would this mean everything to you, but you don’t know where to start?
Imagine that on December 31, you could happily reflect on your year and SAY:
- “OMG, this year has truly been the most ah-mazing time on my fertility journey!”
- “I have never felt more confident, certain, fearless, loved, happy, fulfilled, and grateful in my life!”
- “I kicked negativity, what-ifs, jealousy, and doubt about my miracle to the curb.”
- “I am sooooo proud of the decisions I have made this year.”
- Shout, with crazy joy in your heart, while doing your most triumphant, rock star pose, “My dream of being a Mom is coming true!”
Getting to the place where you can say AND mean these things doesn’t happen by accident.
It doesn’t happen by just passively wishing and hoping.
It starts with having a plan that is easy to follow, has clear structure, and excites the hell out of you!
Are you ready?
Start with a plan that has changed the lives of women around the globe.
Women who make the “impossible” possible in their lives HAVE. A. COMPLETE. PLAN.
I know the sound of that may be a little overwhelming at first–I’ve been there.
I spent years on my own fertility journey feeling lost, out of control, helpless, and like things were just sort of happening TO me.
Yes, I had the support of my doctor, my treatment team, and other practitioners, but when it came to having a clear plan for how I was going to live my journey DAY to DAY in a way that felt good and wasn’t sabotaging my efforts with fear, stress, and negativity, or ruining my relationships in the process, I had nothing, nada, zilch.
I tried cobbling together my own solution with books, meditations, the occasional perusing of fertility message boards (yikes), and sometimes just suffering in silence (eek!). I didn’t want to be a burden to my husband or bother friends that loved me, but just didn’t get it.
At best, my patch-work approach offered passing relief, but nothing really stuck.
I just kept struggling, stressing, and hoping things would turn around.
It wasn’t until I raised my hand, asked for help, and got the best mentor I could find, that I finally began to have my “best years ever”…and I manifested a fertility miracle at 43!
This is what I want for you too–but, you don’t have to waste years trying to figure it out like I did.
I want to help you create a powerful starting point for yourself on this journey that can make all the difference in the world–regardless of how long you have been on it.
If you don’t have a plan and your period comes or treatments fail, fear, stress, doubt, and overwhelm can ruthlessly take over. This is where most women get stuck, but this doesn’t have to be true for YOU.
The solution is simple. HAVE A PLAN UNLIKE ANY OTHER.
I can say this with absolute certainty because I lived this journey myself, used my mindset to beat the odds, AND I have coached women across the globe to do the same.
My clients make the seemingly “impossible,” possible.
Even years after my clients’ babies are born they reach out and tell me how they STILL use what I taught them to make new dreams come true.
I want the same for you.
Let’s plan the best year ever on your fertility journey… together.
I will show you how.
This self-study version of my hit 2-hour workshop is available NOW On-Demand!
During this 2-hour self-study workshop we will do a deep dive into the one question that can transform eve-ry-thing:
How CAN you make this the best year ever on your fertility journey?
During this downloadable workshop, we are going to walk through the clear, linear, and incredibly fun step-by-step process I have created to help women catapult themselves beyond just wishing and hoping for different results.
You will learn how to get 100% crystal clear on exactly how you wish to live every aspect of your journey in a way that will support your success. We will dive deep into aspects of your journey you’d never think to go and be oh-so-glad we did!
It’s the kinda goodness you get from working with someone who used mindset to manifest her own fertility miracle AND helps women across the globe do the same!
You will learn how to identify what’s getting in the way of you living your journey with the kind of calm, unshakable confidence you desire–and what to do about it!
You will learn the no-fail process that will keep you focused and committed to the goals you set–even when things get rough.
You will use what you learn to create a DAILY process that will keep you on track to what you desire most.
And you will have a chance to get coaching from me, during the workshop, to help you create your brilliant, feels-so-good plan that sticks, and is truly ah-mazing!
Here’s what you receive after you sign up for the workshop:
- The Best Year Ever Smart Start Guide ($97 Value) – This guide introduces insanely powerful questions and practices that will help you clear the path to an entirely new experience in your life and on your fertility journey. You want this year to be crazy good? It starts with this! Focusing first on the goodness in the Smart Start Guide will make the workshop even more powerful.
- The Best Year Ever Planning Workshop Workbook ($497 Value) – This beautiful, downloadable PDF workbook will have all of the exercises, I have designed to support you in creating your brilliant plan. You will be able to follow along in the workshop effortlessly with this workbook as your guide. There is plenty of space for your notes in each section and you will have a place to easily capture your most important “takeaways.” This workbook will be your “don’t leave home without it,” map to an awesome year.
- The Best Year Ever Planning Workshop ($1200 Value) – You will be able to download the recording of this workshop in MP3 format to your computer or mobile device to enjoy entirely at your convenience. Not only does it include instruction that will drive home points that can make all the difference in your approach to how you live your fertility journey, but you will have the advantage of hearing the Q&A session that can truly bring your new awarenesses to life, so you can apply them with ease.
- BONUS: 30 Day Daily Practice Tracker ($97) – With this smart and intuitive tool, you will be able to track your daily progress as you move through the new daily practices that will support you in making this a truly remarkable year on your fertility journey!
- BONUS: 90 Day Progress Tracker ($97) – Success on your fertility journey requires you take bold, positive action in the name of making your dreams a reality. This powerful tool will support you with simple accountability for moving forward with the goals you identify and help you create the leverage you need to make your a success no longer a matter of “if,” but WHEN!
- BONUS: Best Year Ever Planning Workshop Recommended Reading List ($97 Value) – You have the power to deepen your learning and explore the concepts presented in this course further by reading the books that supported and inspired me, as well as countless others. This reading list is indispensable to anyone on this journey!
Why jump on this opportunity now?
This workshop, supporting materials, & bonuses are valued at more than $2000 USD.
By signing up for this workshop, you will access teachings that I share with my private clients across the globe for an absolute STEAL!
Access this amazing workshop for an investment of:
$49 USD
I am honored by the praise women around the world have for my work
$49 USD total.
No. This is a self-study experience, which includes a recording of the live workshop conducted by Rosanne Austin, JD, ACC.
This is an on-demand recording of a live workshop. That means you get to enjoy the recording whenever you wish, wherever you wish!
The workshop in total has a 2+ hour run time, which includes a recording of the instruction and a Q&A session.
No problem. Your enrollment entitles you to access to the replay of the workshop, which you can listen to and enjoy at your convenience.
No. Rosanne only works with women who are certain that she is the right coach for them. Rosanne is a professionally trained coach, certified by the International Coach Federation, who has the expertise that comes from having personally transformed her own fertility journey, and her work has helped women across the globe do the same. Rosanne’s coaching programs are for women who are 100% committed and who take responsibility for their own results. Rosanne brings hundreds of hours of training, thousands of hours of supporting women through the most challenging times in their lives, and undeniably creative magic to her coaching practice. She shows up 100% for her clients and she expects her clients to do the same and follow through in using their new awareness, tools, and strategies they gain by working with her to achieve the results they desire. Clients are responsible for their own results. If you have questions about working with Rosanne, please contact her team at: info@frommaybetobaby.com.
You will have the opportunity to explore that with Rosanne as you wish. Rosanne has unique and innovative coaching packages that have supported women in all stages of their fertility journey.
Coaching and therapy are distinct disciplines. Coaching does not purport to and is not intended to diagnose or treat mental illness. Coaching is intended to support clients to transform behaviors and achieve specific goals in the present or future. In coaching, there is a distinct focus is on action, accountability, and solutions. In coaching, the approach assumes a functioning client, who is creative, resourceful, and whole. Coaching can absolutely be used in conjunction with therapy and the two are not mutually exclusive–they blend together quite nicely actually. Many clients have described how they were amazed at how much faster they saw results in their lives through coaching, as opposed to therapy, but of course, the two are completely different and results obviously vary. If during the coaching package a subject that is best addressed by a mental health professional comes up, Rosanne will advise the client.
You can direct them to Rosanne’s team at: info@frommaybetobaby.com.
More love from my clients!
Before You Go...
During the years I spent struggling on my fertility journey, I told myself I didn’t need any help. I figured I was smart and used to doing things on my own…No problem!
That short-sighted approach cost me years of heartache. Worst of all, it stood in the way of the confidence, certainty, and joy I craved on this journey.
When I finally got out of my own way and supplemented the work I had done on myself with the high-level coaching support I desired, we turned what could have taken me years to figure out into hours.
The question I kept asking myself was, “Why the hell didn’t I do this sooner?”
I have first hand experience successfully transforming negativity, fear, and stress on my own journey, and using mindset to make the seemingly “impossible,” possible.
I have helped women all over the world do the same.
I can help YOU get there too. Your mindset matters.
Give yourself the chance to show up to your journey as your very best self. Now is when you need her most.
With Love + Respect,
Before You Go...
During the years I spent struggling on my fertility journey, I told myself I didn’t need any help. I figured I was smart and used to doing things on my own…No problem!
That short-sighted approach cost me years of heartache. Worst of all, it stood in the way of the confidence, certainty, and joy I craved on this journey.
When I finally got out of my own way and supplemented the work I had done on myself with the high-level coaching support I desired, we turned what could have taken me years to figure out into hours.
The question I kept asking myself was, “Why the hell didn’t I do this sooner?”
I have first hand experience successfully transforming negativity, fear, and stress on my own journey, and using mindset to make the seemingly “impossible,” possible.
I have helped women all over the world do the same.
I can help YOU get there too. Your mindset matters.
Give yourself the chance to show up to your journey as your very best self. Now is when you need her most.
With Love + Respect,