It’s Independence Day here in the States and I hope you will join me in celebrating the spirit of what it stands for– even on your fertility journey.
But before we get to that, the above picture is me 4 days ago as I was going into labor and getting ready to meet my miracle son! (And yes, that was my super cool hospital gown–a girl’s got to show up in style!)
Back to the topic at hand…one of the coolest things about Independence Day is that it’s a reminder of the American spirit– the belief that you can BE and DO anything you desire.
This belief is downright infectious and has catapulted people from all walks of life to make the most amazing things happen in their lives.
I encourage you to bring some of that goodness to your fertility journey.
What would be different if you declared your independence once and for all from:
Crippling fear,
Loathsome negativity,
Believing you aren’t good enough,
Comparing yourself to other women,
Being at war with your body,
Putting your precious life on hold,
Letting your marriage/partnership suffer, AND
Giving a shit about what naysayers might say about your age or the choices YOU make on your journey?
That would be cause for celebration wouldn’t it?
Declaring independence from a mindset that held me back from my baby boy was the best F-ing thing I ever did for myself, my marriage, and my life.
If I had let my old negative and limiting beliefs about what was possible for me run the show, I would NOT be holding this miracle boy in my arms today.
Meet my son Asher Douglas.
My ladies declare their independence.
They decide to BE and DO anything they desire on this journey and their lives are changed forever because of it.
Decide you will be one of them.
Change your mindset, change your results.
Lots of love,
Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…
Declare your independence from your limiting beliefs.
What beliefs and ways of being are you ready to declare your independence from on this journey?
What have you been dying to let go of?
What is no longer serving you?
What is holding you back from being the woman who has the mindset to go along with all of the other goodness she is bringing to her journey?
How have you been playing small?
What support have you been denying yourself?
Write out your own Declaration of Independence from the things that are holding you back on this journey. DECIDE that you will be free once and for all.
Want my support in making this your new normal? Apply here.
Transformation happens in your ACTION. Quit wishing and waiting.
Stretch yourself. Remember, it’s about progress, NOT perfection.