Clearing your blocks is critical. She’s proof 💪

Love, you hear me talk about clearing the blocks between you and your baby all of the time.

I shout it from the roof tops, because not only have I witnessed the power of doing so in my own life, I have seen it in the lives of the women I serve all over the world.

Our blocks come in all shapes and sizes.

Some we know quite well, and others that are so deep-seated, that it takes an open hearted person, with the help of a particularly adept coach, to unearth.

This week, another one of my amazingly generous Miracles Mamas is going to share her story with you.

With treatment failures, abnormal embryos, loss of her beloved father, and Saboteurs about her worthiness and femininity as the “FACTS” that framed her journey, Tracey would have had every excuse in the book to give up.

In this week’s 36 minute episode of The Fearlessly Fertile Podcast, Tracey–a kick ass woman in aviation, will share HOW she crushed her sad-sack stories, transformed her mindset, and called in her miracle baby…

Listen on iTunes: CLICK HERE

Listen on my blog: CLICK HERE

Let her experience INSPIRE you.

She would be the first person to tell you that if SHE can do it, you can too! (She is so insanely cool.)

Change your mindset, change your results.

Lots of love,

Rosanne offers a variety of programs to help you on your fertility journey — from Self-study, to Live, to Private Coaching.