Fearlessly Fertile

90 Day Program

Are your beliefs, thoughts, and actions setting you up for success in becoming a Mom?

What if the power of mindset gave you the advantage to finally have your baby?

You were born to be a Mom.

You feel this truth in your soul and you can’t imagine life any other way.

But when you are trying to conceive and you are faced with months or years of disappointment, it gets harder to maintain your optimism and you start to lose hope.

Negativity, fear, doubt, shame, jealousy, competitiveness, isolation, and a whole clown-car of painful emotions can set in and make this time in your life excruciating.

Sure, you have your good days, but the truth is, there are emotional triggers everywhere: your social media feed, pregnancy announcements, seeing a beautiful pregnant woman on the street, the insensitive comment from a family member, you name it!

Being the smart, professional, make-it-happen woman you are, you’ve tried to address this with yoga, meditation, “positive thinking,” affirmations, therapy, and keeping busy…BUT FEAR, NEGATIVITY, and DOUBT about when and if “it” will ever happen, always seem to know how to pull the rug out from under you.

This anguish is only intensified by the fact that you are doing everything you know to do and still not getting pregnant:

Living this time in your life, stuck in two week increments and an endless loop of fear, negativity, and doubt, is creating toxic stress that is horrible for your health—and it’s doing nothing to help you get pregnant.

Here’s what you must know: the power of the mind-body connection is undeniable.

Women who are serious about making their dream of being a Mom a reality understand that it requires a complete approach—effectively addressing both mind and body.

So much emphasis is placed on the physical aspect of trying to conceive that we completely overlook the mindset skills required to live this journey in a way that makes success certain.

Mindset is so often treated like a “nice to have,” which is why it consistently proves to be the missing link.

Admit it, you probably watch your diet more closely than your negative thoughts. Can’t fool me!

Does it make any sense to eat clean and spend tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments, while your unconscious beliefs, thoughts, and stress are quietly sabotaging your valiant efforts?


Women committed to success know they can’t afford to pollute their body with toxic negativity and stress.

They leverage the power of mindset to make their dream of being a Mom come true.

Love, the time is now for you to join them!

What if you could live this journey in a way that felt good and was amazingly good for you?

What if your beliefs, thoughts, and actions supported your success like never before?

What if you could make this time in your life…dare I say…awesome?

This is absolutely possible for you, regardless of where you’ve been on this journey.

I will show you how.

Imagine yourself 90 days from now…

This is the mindset of a woman who is successful on this journey.
I know this because I am one of them—and my clients around the world are too.

This is possible for you too love. Let’s DO this together!

I was lost and deep in the throws of dealing with infertility. I had just experienced another IVF failure and I was heartbroken. I knew I needed help. Having worked with Rosanne, I can honestly say she is the BEST decision I have ever made during my infertility journey! Rosanne is the ‘real deal’. She has been in the thick of infertility just like the women she coaches. She understands and relates. It was so comforting to know that someone else has experienced the EXACT same thoughts and emotions that I did and knows how to address them so I could rise above them and see the light. My heart needed healing and Rosanne guided me to a place of peace and purpose. She is a straight talker and pushed me to dig deeper. I am so incredibly happy and grateful to report that my miracle will be arriving in June 2017. I will surely let my little one know that he has a fairy godmother named Rosanne, who always believed in him. Give yourself a gift and work with Rosanne…you are truly worth the investment and more importantly your little one to be is too 🙂
Annmarie C.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
I felt that I had an immediate connection with Rosanne listening to a webinar on a Saturday morning when she opened up with the song “We Are Family”. The connection was validated and made real after our first call and life hasn’t been the same since! Working with Rosanne requires you to look in the mirror and to truly look at yourself asking tough questions. She’s a no bull-s woman who will not let you stand for or take it for yourself either. Did I tell you she will call you out on your bull-s as well?! Rosanne works on the facets of your life that is blocking the “mommy” path. She helped me to realize I CAN HAVE IT ALL. She helped me get out of my own way so I could experience what was truly meant for me. My journey started in June 2016 and by October, I had not only the promotion she helped me to work on getting, but most importantly I was able to yell out and speak the words I so longed to stay, ”I’M PREGNANT!” I have nothing but the utmost respect, admiration and love for Rosanne. She is truly a blessing and an exceptional woman, but also an angel in disguise to me!
Tracy M.
Virginia, USA
Rosanne is compassionate, fierce, and a pillar of strength, who was able to guide me through a particularly challenging fertility journey. She showed me what bullet proof belief meant when I had doubt, what healing felt like when we went through multiple failures, and together we celebrated our positive pregnancy test when it finally happened. She truly is my fertility fairy godmother!!
Nita M.
Ontario, Canada
I first heard Rosanne speak several months before beginning our second IVF cycle. At the time, I was still reeling from our first IVF cycle (which had not been successful.) I was looking for a coach to help me approach our next cycle with belief and confidence. In listening to Rosanne speak, one thing that really resonated with me was when she said that “faith and fear both require us to believe in things we cannot see” and we that we all have the ability to choose. That was a light bulb moment for me as fear had dictated practically every decision I had made about my fertility until that point. I knew that I wanted to turn things around and that Rosanne was the coach that could help me do just that! Rosanne gave me the direction and confidence to face not-so-pretty aspects of my life. She shared specific tools and strategies to change the way I was reacting to situations and people. I gradually gained a greater sense of self and began to manifest some absolutely beautiful things in my life. The most incredible blessing of all is our little girl who is due in June of 2017! I am truly thankful to Rosanne and her thoughtful approach. Having her support and guidance truly made the difference for me this time around. I strongly recommend her program to all women who are in the midst of their fertility journey – invest in yourself, you will be so happy that you did!
Jessica S.
Sarasota, Florida, USA

Your mindset can help you beat the odds.

The greatest superpower any woman has on her fertility journey is mindset—what she thinks and believes.

Having coached and mentored hundreds of women around the world, I know one thing for sure: women who are successful on their fertility journey have the mindset for it.

This is true even in the face of repeated treatment “failures,” miscarriage, PCOS, Endometriosis, unexplained infertility, low ovarian reserve, and being gorgeously 40+.

It’s irrefutable that your mindset influences your choices, actions, body chemistry, and therefore logically, it can impact your results.

If you want to be successful on this journey, you simply can’t afford to ignore it.

Having seen its power in my own life—conceiving my son naturally, at 42, in spite of repeatedly being told “it “would probably never happen” —and in the lives of my clients across the globe, it’s my sole mission as a coach to help other women learn to leverage the power of mindset to make their Mom dreams come true too.

There’s a powerhouse inside you that knows motherhood was meant for her.

Let’s unleash her!

Let me start by saying I am so glad you are here, love.

It means that you are listening to the voice inside you that knows she’s got to do something about the stress, fear, doubt, overwhelm, and negativity that seem to be clawing away at her joy and excitement about becoming a Mom.

I know exactly how that feels.

I struggled with my fertility for YEARS during my career as a State Prosecutor.

I was a stressed out mess. I had never known so much failure and despair in my life.

I compared myself to every pregnant woman I set eyes on, asking “why not me???”

I dreaded pregnancy announcements, baby showers, and my social media feed.

I beat myself up with every “what if” and negative thought my imagination could spit in my direction.

Does this sound at all familiar?

Well, I lived that way for years…and there’s no question it kept me from getting pregnant.

How do I know? Because, I was doing everything I possibly could physically to get pregnant!

State of the art fertility treatments, hyper-clean restrictive diets, acupuncture, herbs, supplements, lotions, potions, and every kind of healing approach you can imagine. If there was something that promised to help me get pregnant, I went after it like my hair was on fire, but…

Nothing. Worked.

All the while, I felt utterly helpless against the negativity, fear, and stress that were increasingly eating away at me.

I found myself waking up each morning with a pit in my stomach, spiraling in anxiety, and miserable.

And then it finally hit me like a ton of bricks! I could not possibly expect to get different results by believing, thinking, and acting as I always had:

If I wanted different results, I had to be different!

When I began believing, thinking, and acting like a woman who achieves success on this journey, I finally got pregnant for the first time, after years of struggle.

I later used the power of mindset to beat the odds again, and conceived my son naturally at 42.

What I learned changed my life to such a degree that I began coaching extraordinary women all over the world to do the same.

The results were undeniable.

Unexplained Infertility? PCOS? Low Ovarian Reserve? Endometriosis? Gorgeously over 40? PREGNANT.

If being a Mom is a non-negotiable for you, it’s time that your mindset starting working FOR you, not against you. Are you ready?

Fearlessly Fertile

90 Day Program

Mindset Technology for Women Ready to BEAT THE ODDS

Over the course of this private, 1:1, 90 day program, I am going to personally walk you through my proven 5-step coaching methodology that will support you to:

When asked what I would tell the other women about what it was like to work with Rosanne, I have been thinking and rethinking, writing and rewriting. Why? Like love, happiness, joy and freedom cannot be explained, they can only be experienced. When I met Rosanne, I had been through 6 failed IVF cycles. She taught me a new way to think so that I could embrace a new way to be. Together we changed positive thinking into positive action and wishful thinking into thinking of life as a series of endless exciting possibilities. Rosanne has helped me to reach the realisation that letting go is not giving up. I am ecstatic to finally say, that I am going to love my life no matter what – a place I never ever thought I would get to! My husband is so stunned at my transformation after all the years of wasted therapy!
Bianca S.
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Rosanne is an awesome coach! She was fully present, accepting, warm, focused and articulate in our work together. For me results were immediate. That’s what I loved most about her coaching method and it really works! She did more for me in a few short weeks than the years of therapy I’ve had. I did the necessary work with the guidance of Rosanne and I was surprised to learn I had that drive and determination in me. I was very stuck for a while but it didn’t take long for me to start my transformation once Rosanne came into my life. She showed me how to make decisions and have confidence in myself. She not only coached me on my fertility journey but life in general as well. For me that was KEY. It was so important to work on “me” and not just my fertility issues. She made me realize I have the strength and courage to make the necessary changes for a happier and healthier life by illuminating a clearer path. It’s amazing to have someone 100% in my corner no matter what. I am happy to say I am now 22 weeks pregnant after many years of infertility. 🙂 Thank you Rosanne, I’m forever grateful!
Disa K.
Port Washington, New York, USA
I came to Rosanne trying to figure out how to navigate a lengthy fertility journey. What was amazing was that those questions were only the start: Our work far exceeded that realm. Her wisdom, her razor sharp listening and ability to cut through the ‘fog’, her questions, her enthusiasm, and her insistence on accountability enabled me to move forward in various other arenas in my life. She challenged me to take steps in a way that traditional therapy never has, and I wrapped up our sessions not just with some personal successes but with a new appreciation of my own capability and leadership. I am indebted. My only regret is that I did not start working with her earlier.
Shoshanna K.
San Francisco, California, USA

Your Fearlessly Fertile™ 90 Day Program Includes:

A Beautifully Designed Welcome Packet

As your coach, it’s my job to be curious about you—very curious. My work is about looking beyond the surface to find the blocks that are keeping you from living your fertility journey with the confidence and certainty you exude in every other aspect of your life. In your Welcome Packet, I’m going to ask you questions that may make you laugh, cry, or want to punch me in the face! That’s ok—it’s what a masterful coach does. It’s the kind of intentionally provocative goodness you can only get from another woman who has lived this journey and triumphed!

A 60- Minute Fearless Fertile™ Kick Off Session

After I review your Welcome Packet, you and I are going to kick your program off with a killer tete-a-tete where we zero in on the key focus areas for our time together, get crystal clear on your goals, and create an impactful, incredibly effective, custom approach to cultivating the mindset to support you in achieving the success that is oh-so-meant for you!

3 Private Coaching Sessions Per Month

During your program, we will meet for 3 45-minute coaching sessions per month, via telephone, Skype, or FaceTime. The content of each session will be based on my coaching methodology, presented in the context of your unique goals and facts surrounding your fertility journey, and any other relevant facts. Our time together will be intense AND some of the most fun you will have in this chapter of your life.

1 Implementation Week Per Month

During the week we don’t have a coaching session, it’s go-time when it comes to you implementing what you’ve learned. Implementation and application of the tools, structures, and methodologies I will teach you is key to your successful cultivation of the mindset and will give you a distinct advantage on your journey. My clients are so freakin’ successful because they implement what they learn—I expect you to as well.

BONUS: Unlimited Email/Text Access Between Coaching Sessions

Yes, you read that right. Between sessions, Monday-Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00PM, you have unlimited access to me for questions, extra accountability, and a loving nudge via Emoji string when you need it. My clients LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!

BONUS: The Luxuriously Low Stress Two-Week Wait Program

Women across the globe have used this self-paced, downloadable program to utterly transform their Two-Week-Wait forever. This program comes with an expertly designed workbook, audio modules, and powerful support tools that walk you through a geniusly effective program for moving beyond freakout and handwringing through the two most stressful weeks when you are TTC.

BONUS: Awesome Surprises Along The Way

I’m not going to lie…I love surprising and delighting my clients. That means that during our time together, you can expect goodness to appear out of nowhere in your mailbox or inbox! Just wait and see!

This program is by application only

Before you go...

During the years I spent struggling on my fertility journey, I told myself I didn’t need any help. I figured I was smart and used to doing things on my own…No problem!

That short-sighted approach cost me years of heartache. Worst of all, it stood in the way of the confidence, certainty, and joy I craved on this journey.

When I finally got out of my own way and supplemented the work I had done on myself with the high-level coaching support I desired, we turned what could have taken me years to figure out into hours.

The question I kept asking myself was, “why the hell didn’t I do this sooner?”

I have first-hand experience successfully transforming negativity, fear, and stress on my own journey, and using mindset to make the seemingly “impossible,” possible.

I have helped women all over the world do the same.

I can help YOU get there too. Your mindset matters.

Give yourself the chance to show up to your journey as your very best self. Now is when you need her most.

With Love + Respect,