Love, I know this journey can feel LONG and hard.
There were so many times I too was tempted to give up.
10 years ago, the scene you see in this picture was something I only day-dreamed about.
I dreamt of passing along my love of being in the kitchen to my son–somehow I knew I would have a boy.
When the Saboteurs in my mind tried to convince me otherwise, it would take all of my strength to come back to the truth in my heart. I’m so glad I did.
THAT is my prayer for you–that you will hold onto what’s in your heart.
In this week’s 12 minute episode of The Fearlessly Fertile Podcast, I will teach you Fertility Success Principle #5.
Every single Miracle Mama you’ve heard on this podcast applied this principle 100%.
It’s all about the Long Game, baby!
Listen on iTunes: CLICK HERE
Listen on my blog: CLICK HERE
(If you could use even more inspiration on the topic of the TIME we spend on this journey, be sure to check out my Insta feed. We broke some shit down on Sunday!)
Here’s to making your day-dreams, your reality.
Change your mindset, change your results.
Lots of love,
Let’s make your day dreams, your reality.
My Fearlessly Fertile Methodโข Program is for women who intend to get pregnant in the next 12 months.
If that’s YOU, let’s clear the blocks between you and your baby.
Successful women THINK like a success, so they can be one.