{Gift Inside} Been a while since you felt really confident?

First of all, here’s a BTS shot from the photoshoot I did in San Francisco yesterday.

It was so fun to be supported in my vision by a loving, dynamic, and insanely creative all-female crew. (My photographer had the honor of “shooting” Michelle Obama!!)

This delicious day reminded me of how powerful we are as women, when we put the bullshit aside, take the time to sincerely lift each other up, celebrate each others’ dreams, and remind a sister of how beautiful she really is.

I am still buzzed from the goodness. I want to share some of it with you now.

Love, you deserve to be confident AF on your journey.

Confidence isn’t about entitled, greedy, hubris.

It’s about honoring the truth that’s in your heart.

The truth that being a Mom is meant for you.

I know how easy it is to lose sight of this when your present circumstances would suggest otherwise.

To help you get back on track, I reached into my archives to find something to remind you of the truth: CLICK HERE.

My ladies find confidence in their truth.

They know truth always wins the day. Always…

Decide you will be one of them.

Change your mindset, change your results.

Lots of love,




Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…

Listen to the audio.

I created the audio with love and massive amounts of FUCK YEAH in my heart. It’s up to you to listen to it, take it in, and give yourself permission to be inspired. Let yourself feel the message in your bones!

My challenge to you, is to live your day as “that” woman. The woman who is fired up, excited, and confident AF in the good that’s meant for her. Imagine living every day of your journey this way. It’s possible love…xoxoxo

**If you want to learn how to make this your new normal, there are 2 spots left in my Fearlessly Fertile Mindset Reset Course + Group Coaching Experience.

Cure your FOMO by enrolling now. We have a killer group of women from around the world assembled! We start October 15th!

Check it out now!


Rosanne offers a variety of programs to help you on your fertility journey — from Self-study, to Live, to Private Coaching.