This week is all about reclaiming and reconnecting with your power.
Think you have no power on this journey?
Think again.
You have power of the most important resource you have–your mind.
What you think and believe on this journey is the intangible “x-factor” that can bridge the gap between your reality today and Mamahood tomorrow.
Ask any woman who has triumphed.
She didn’t get there by feeling sorry for herself.
She didn’t get there by being immobilized with overwhelm.
She damn sure didn’t get there by wallowing in self-doubt.
Did she feel those things at times? Of course.
The difference is, she didn’t take up residence in any of those shitty neighborhoods.
No situation, circumstance, piece of information, or person can take your power unless YOU let them.
Ready to reclaim your power?
I created a killer way for you to get started.
Listen to it here. (It’s 10 minutes 57 seconds)
Use it to help you get the fuck out of powerlessness.
It’s no place for you, or your baby.
My ladies don’t do “powerless.”
They refuse to hand their power over to any treatment, diet, lotion, potion, opinion, statistic, event, or circumstance–they become their own “silver bullet”–it’s why they are successful AF.
Decide you will be one of them.
Change your mindset, change your results.
Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…
Listen to the kick-ass visualization I created for you.
Reply to this email telling me:
- Why YOU are committed to being “that” woman on your journey.
- What you are going to DO this week to act on that commitment.
Stretch yourself! It’s about progress, not perfection.
Isn’t it time you started thinking, believing, and acting like a woman who triumphs on this journey? If you are ready to become your own silver bullet, let’s talk. 8 miracle pregnancies in 88 days…