Love, my book went #1 internationally on Amazon last week and there are 3 lessons from the entire book writing experience I want to share with you. (This is a BTS pic from an interview I did!)
These lessons can be a critical segue to success on your fertility journey.
Here they are:
- FUCK doing things like “everyone else.” Before finding my publisher and writing my book, I had some silly beliefs about how things are “supposed” to work when writing/publishing a book. I was so wrong. Instead of wasting years starting with the traditional publishing route, writing hundreds of query letters, and chasing after agents, only to have someone who knows nothing about me or this journey, poo-poo my vision, I stayed focused on my mission and found a team of industry experts 100% committed to my success. After 9 weeks of writing, a couple weeks of editing, and with the support of a killer launch team, not only do I have a book I am proud of (with a foreword written by one of my heroes), but it went #1 internationally, and more importantly, it’s in the hands of women all over the world who fucking LOVE it. Did I have to give up on a fancy publisher? Nope! I’ve got one for my print book! More about that later… Bottom Line: Dare to think and do things differently. We all have blindspots.
- Trust your voice. My book isn’t for everyone. It is written for lovably Type A, control-freaky, high-achieving women committed to fertility success. You only have to look at the front cover to see that I go where most people won’t. Why? Because I give a shit. Seriously, if what you are doing isn’t working, doesn’t it make sense to massively re-evaluate your strategy? Loving straight talk can help you get across the finish line 10,000x faster than co-dependent coddling ever will. Believe me, I know. Instead of wasting time trying to please everyone and not step on any toes, I had to trust my voice. It’s direct, loving, and 100% certain of YOUR potential. Bottom Line: HOWL in your wonderfully unique voice, so YOUR pack can find you–they will.
- Success leaves clues. In December 2018, I decided that 2019 would be the year I wrote and published my book. To that end, I hired the best book coach on the planet to help me do it. Why? Because success leaves clues. The smartest advice I ever got from one of my favorite mentors is: find someone who has achieved the success you desire and do exactly what they tell you to do! Why the hell would you try and reinvent the wheel, when someone with a proven record for success can show you the way? DIY can be a great place to start, but when the clock is ticking and your way isn’t working, who has time to waste on trial and error? My mission is too important to dick around with DIY. I have women to serve! My coach helped me navigate the obstacles and we went straight to #1. Bottom Line: If it’s time you had help from someone who can show you the way, do yourself a favor and get it.
Take these lessons to heart love–they may make you shift in your seat a little, but that’s the point. True success is rarely found in your comfort zone.
Change your mindset, change your results.
Lots of love,
Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…
Focus on ONE of the lessons above.
Challenge yourself this week to shake things up. New results require new action. Apply ONE lesson to your journey and notice what’s different.
If you haven’t read my book yet, please do. The reviews are incredibly humbling. I am honored to serve women on this journey and help them become their own “silver bullet.” xoxo
**My ALL NEW Fearlessly Fertile™ Method program is opening soon. Want to get on the waiting list? Comment below and let us know!**