I took this picture of Asher Douglas during our brunch on Sunday. I’m sharing this because it illustrates a lesson I desire to teach.
As I watched our miracle boy flirting with every woman that walked by our table, while he meticulously stuffed crayons into a plastic cup, I couldn’t help but find myself in a profound state of reverence.
Not because flirting, whilst crayon stuffing, is some form of genius.
Rather, watching my boy do his thing was a humbling reminder that as human beings, when it comes to accurately measuring what’s truly possible, we don’t know shit.
If you told me 10 years ago, I would conceive this precious boy, naturally, at 42.85-ish, after a horrendous history of treatment failures, with the odds stacked squarely against me, I would have accused you of being on crack.
I circled the drain for years, stuck in the lazy HABIT of parroting embarrassingly negative, unoriginal, sophomorically short-sighted, labels and pronouncements like:
- “Too old,”
- “Should have/Would have happened by now,”
- “Failure,”
- “Can’t,”
- “No choice,” AND
- “We’ve tried everything.”
I could NOT see my sweet boy from that confined, dark, stinking place.
Love, break the fucking habit.
Stop talking shit about yourself and your fertility.
Your power lies in what YOU think and believe.
It’s how my ladies go from:
- Repeated miscarriages to healthy, full term pregnancy,
- Perimenopausal hot flashes to natural conception with ease,
- “Geriatric,” to finding their perfect egg right on time,
- “It can’t happen naturally,” to…”SURPRISE! We did it!”
- Treatment failures, to triumph, AND
- YEARS without a pregnancy, to TWO BLUE LINES.
This why HELL YES Mamas-To-Be, come to me.
Sometimes, it takes a fiercely loving sister to help us see, the incredible blessings waiting patiently, beyond negativity.
My ladies are PROOF of what can be, when a woman takes control of what she thinks and believes.
Change your mindset, change your results.
Lots of love,
Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…
Break the habit.
Your challenge, for the next 7 days, is to refrain from talking any shit about yourself or your fertility.
You will speak no words of self-doubt, fear, or boring AF negativity. Speak only in affirmative, CERTAIN terms about becoming a Mom. Disregard the tentative language or stance of others. Focus only on the positive possibility, waiting patiently for you, beyond the negativity.
Accepting this challenge opens the doorway to a seismic shift in what you think and believe–and therefore, your results. Be patient. Be willing to mess up–then start again. The impact can be profound.
For my ladies, being a Mom is a non-negotiable. If you are ready to tap into the most powerful baby-making resource you have, let’s talk about working together.