๐Ÿ Use Q4 wisely. Here’s how.

Love, I’m blissing out–it’s our first Fall in Idaho and I LOVE IT.

Having lived in California all of my life, I heard a rumor that there were “seasons,” but now that we are in Idaho, I have actual proof!

I even went Fall Fabulous this weekend by getting the fire going, grabbing my snuggliest blanket, and planting my ass squarely on the couch soaking up Hallmark Movies. (Yes, I am a Hallmark movie NERD!)

While all of the trappings of Fall are cozy-awesome, there’s another reason why this time of year is so special.

Fall marks the time in my life when covering my bases, MIND and body, FINALLY paid off–at 42.85ish years old.

After years of treatment “failure,” when by most measures, I had no reason to believe, my precious Asher was conceived…naturally.

I honor this time of year, because of what it represents.

Fall is all about POSSIBILITY.

Fall is about seizing opportunities, when everyone else thinks it’s time to slow down.

Fall is like the last quarter of a ball game, with a few minutes left on the clock–we can just give up, or we can choose to finish strong… and win.

It’s about not letting anyone count you out, even when the scoreboard looks like a total and complete shit show.

Fall is about having the grit to keep the commitment you’ve made to yourself this year, because there’s still plenty of time.

Fall is about saying your HELL YES even louder.

And you thought Fall was just about Pumpkin Spice lattes and shit!


Be the woman who uses the last 85 days of this year TO HER ADVANTAGE.

In this week’s Fearlessly Fertile Podcast, I share Fertility Success Principle #2, which will be part of HOW you do so:

Listen on iTunes: CLICK HERE

Listen on my blog: CLICK HERE

Change your mindset, change your results.

Lots of love,




Intrigued? Here’s an exercise to take this to the next level…

Be smart about Q4.

There are 85 days left in the year love. Time to start covering your bases MIND and body–leaving no stone unturned.

Take ONE BOLD ACTION this week to cultivate the mindset of the woman who beats the odds on this journey.

When a woman makes the decision to no longer be a slave to fear and negativity, she becomes unstoppable. My Miracle Mamas prove it!

In the past 25 days, 6 of my ladies have shared they are PREGNANT!

Love, you can still make a difference this year.

My Fearlessly Fertile Methodโ„ข Program is open.

There are only a few spots remaining for 2019.

Apply for your interview NOW

Rosanne offers a variety of programs to help you on your fertility journey โ€” from Self-study, to Live, to Private Coaching.